Contributions and questions
If I notice a problem, how do I raise an issue on the MIMIC Code Repository?
To raise an issue, first navigate to the MIMIC Code Repository issues page. After logging in to GitHub, click “New issue”, add a title and description of the problem, and then select the “Submit new issue” button.
How do I ask questions about MIMIC?
Discussions can be used to seek advice for how to do something within the MIMIC ecosystem. If you have a question about how to do something but don’t think there is a problem with the code you can use discussions instead of issues. If you know the answer to a question being asked in discussions we appreciate you taking the time to answer it!
How can I help to improve the MIMIC website and documentation?
Content for the MIMIC website and documentation is hosted publicly on GitHub:
To raise a problem or to suggest an improvement, please create a new issue at:
To fix an issue or to contribute new content, please either select the ‘Edit this page’ item in the left hand menu of the website or submit a pull request in GitHub.
How can I share code that I have written for MIMIC?
We encourage you to share the code that you use for analyzing the data. We currently collaboratively develop code in the MIMIC Code Repository:
Do I need to contribute my code to the MIMIC Code Repository?
Of course not - feel free to start your own repository! Be sure to tag it for discoverability - for example, on GitHub, you can use the mimic-iii
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